That just ain't fittin'

With deep regret I must inform you of the barnyard goings on. I'm doing this as part of my record keeping and not to shock or horrify you.  But first, gentle reader, to prepare you for the terrible account ....I present the last rose of summer:

Summer's last rose... true, noble, just, pure, and lovely.

Choose, if you must, to continue reading. But be warned. Your brain my just explode. Mine almost did. Ready?

It started Thursday nite. There I was, innocently, walking out to the goat yard to get Debbie for evening milking. The dog was at my side. As we approached the gate we saw...we saw... we saw a sight of such debauchery, a scene so horrible, so shocking....that I tell you the truth. I dropped my bucket and ran. There was no way I was milkin' that. No way. That just ain't fittin' at all.

I believe I'm now mentally scarred from what I saw and very possibly need therapy. A lot of therapy.  And certainly what was happening out there is forbidden by Leviticus and common decency.

I refuse to detail the horrid events of that evening so as not to inflict upon you the same mental strain that I am now laboring under... but I will reveal that the buckling, Too Short, has now been renamed by someone wiser than me as.... "Just Tall Enough."

I say no more on this and will now spend the remainder of the weekend in prayer and mediation. Focusing on what is true, noble, just, pure, and lovely.

Based on the events of the last couple weeks I have determined that this buckling project gets and F-.

Sure. I believe the buckling has been.. um.. effective. And he's kinda cute. However, I just am not cut out for these kinds of shenanigans. At all. Not even remotely. So Too Short.. or rather.. Just Tall Enough... has his tickets booked and his bags packed. He'll be departing these humble shores for a farm far....far...away.  Smell ya later, pal.

That is all.

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