Hey thats GREAT! And some aw shucks-ing

Hey! It's a Shout Out day for some of my online pals! Oh golly did I get some fun news and I just had to share....

First, remember my pal J from Insurgent Chickens? The story continues and I just had to tell you about the great turn of events. You can also hear it from the man himself over on his blog...but here's the story. J is doing such a great job with his farmin' in a limited space... and I loved to hear about how he was "share cropping" on a friend's land. They had some extra dirt, he had the gumption - so they worked together to put in a plot of taters. Wow what a great partnership!

But wait there's more... my friend BBH mentioned that she wanted to get more creepy meat chickens but was holding off because she really needed some help on butcher day. And guess what - BBH lives kinda close to J....and he really needed more space if he was going to do more chickens....and BBH needed butcher help...and the light bulb went off in my little head. So I made the introduction - and they made the connection....and now BBH is raising the chickens and J will head over for butcher day. Now THAT'S great team work. I'm really proud of both of my pals for figuring out a way to work together for the benefit of them both. And I can't wait to hear the story about butcher day.Yay team!

And for the aw shucks-in'... I loved that Coco Over at Galician Garden gave me the Versatile Blogger award. Yay! Thanks baby! She has a beautiful site - be sure to check it out.  I received this award before but I have to tell you - I just love this kind of thing. So thanks again, Coco! I think these awards are a fun way to recognize each other and to be introduced to new folks.

So here are the rules - thank the person who gave you the award, link back to them - of course, and then pass the award on to other folks (and be sure to tell them about it). Then you must give seven fun facts about yourself.

I really thought you knew everything about me as you read  here.  But OK maybe I still have a few secrets:

1. I can free dive to over 50 feet - probably close to 60 feet. Its true. I used to spend a lot of time in Hawaii and I can snorkel and free dive with the best of them. Someone once called me Jackie Cousteau and I thought that was pretty funny.

2. I don't like bananas. Or banana flavored stuff. The smell of baking banana bread makes me want to barf. I say no more on this.

3. I'm a total sci-fi nerd. I think you know this but I don't think you know how bad it is. I have a Christmas tree ornament of the Enterprise. It lights up and everything. I love it.

4.  I don't like team sports. I don't like to play them or watch them. One time I went to a pro baseball game (under duress) and after the first seven hours got bored and started to read a book. Some of the drunken fans screamed at me for not caring about their game. Really? And you think a drunk fool yelling at me is gonna make me want to come back? Really?

5. One of the best days of my life (besides my wedding to The Big Man, of course) was a spectacular summer day in my early 20's. The first time I went to Europe I was on one of those tours - you know the company, the guy from PBS? And when we got to Switzerland I just couldn't leave. So I abandoned the tour, waved goodbye to the bus, and hiked the high roads in the Lauterbrunnen valley alone. It was perfect.

6. My father was a Thud pilot, its where I get my 'hell yeah.' This will mean something to some of you - like Chai Chai's The Commander - and it might just make some of you take a step back and say "Well that explains a lot."

7.  The chickens are the best part of my farm day. I can't help it - I love them and don't care who knows.

Since I've passed this award along before I'll  remind everyone who I choose. And... I'd love to give J at Insurgent Chickens this fine award for all his good work.

Happy Monday everyone!

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