Hey Mr. H - Here's your chick!

As requested... here's your chick, Mr. H!

She's a beauty for sure..... I'm holding her funny but check out her coloring...

...and those funny feet! Her momma is a Salmon Faverolle... and they have an extra toe. I just love them - they have a funny round shape and are a little ridiculous..but thats OK. This is Jane's singleton chick. We decided to put her with the chicks inside - turns out Jane has started to lay again which is VERY unusual while a hen who still has a baby to raise. So she has been leaving this little one alone to make googoo eyes at her rooster, Mr. Tibbles. So for her safety we decided to put this chick with The Mob. Any name suggestions, Mr. H?

Ginny, your gal is doing just great - her 'racing stripes' are coming in beautifully. I'll see if I can get some pix later today. She's the best one of The Mob for sure.

Today we marched our Momma Duck and her Eight up to baby yard by the hen house. Its a long walk if you have tiny little feet.They are having a blast. When I last checked them they were all sitting in a cake pan full of water. They took to it like.. well... like a duck to water.

We are heading out for more fencing - is everyone gonna have a great day?

Reach for the sun!

Happy Thursday everyone!

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