Fall Planting

This week I'm finishing up my fall planting. Can you believe it? Actually I feel a little bit behind.

Grow, little cabbage, grow!

The crazy spring we had - with everything getting into the ground a month late - has really taken its toll on productivity. By now I should have a lot more produce. I'm hoping that a big crop of broccoli, greens, beets, and cabbage will keep our grocery costs low this winter. And heaven forbid I actually grow a carrot! This could be the year, folks, keep your fingers crossed!

Normally our first frost is mid-October. So I still have time for "short season" varieties. Around here most of the seeds have been taken off the shelves (what's with that?). But I can still get some great cool weather, short growing seeds from Ed Hume. The website isn't fancy - but the shipping costs are low ($2 for me!) and they have a good variety. Plus I honestly believe they care about customer service - and its a smaller company, which I like.

I'm also going to be working on some infrastructure so next spring will go smoother. For instance, our big productive garden space - the Square Garden - was too wet to till most of the spring and even summer. So it just laid there growing weeds. I was finally able to mow it off and till it under... but wow. I don't want another wet spring and not have workable soil. So I'm going to work on some permanent raised beds. I've wanted them for a long time but its been the initial investment (materials to build) that has been holding me back. But you know me, I think I can hill billy-up something. And I think I can lay the foundation of a hoop house/covered garden like some of your folks have. I'd love to be able to have fresh greens thru the winter.

So that's what I'm working on this week. I think we got a break in the weather so we should have cooler temperatures and tons of sunshine.

How about you? Anybody else working on fall planting?

Happy Monday!

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