Farm notes - planting, sitting ducks, and it's... Dead Nettle


Thanks for everyone who helped me identify this silly weed! Its Dead Nettle.

Also - I don't know about you but I'm shocked and saddened to hear about the storm damage in the South. I'm sure we all send our thoughts and prayers to the survivors and to the families who lost loved ones.
What the heck is this? Its something that I'm supposed to know - and our yard is lousy with it.. so can anybody identify it?

This purpley flowery stuff is everywhere!

I'm so glad our weather guy confirmed that I'm not crazy. We've had rain 13 of the last 14 days. Sigh. Between storms I've been out there trying to get a few things done.

Today's accomplishments included slogging around in the mud for most of the day and shoveling out the chicken house. And fighting with the goats to eat they hay they don't like. We are out of pure alfalfa and they have all turned up their noses at the "mix" hay. Everyone's milk production is down and they are all on my last nerve. I've been to 3 hay guys and still nothing suits those picky goats. The last guy allowed me to admire his lovely field of alfalfa - but of course he can't take it up until we get some dry days.

After the mid-day rain I got a few things potted up - some dahlias and some trays of seeds:

The three-row-tray has: Hungarian Sweet Peppers, Black Krim 'maters, and some seeds from a squash last fall, the 1/2 green and 1/2 yellow cushaw squash.

The two row tray has dwarf kale and Italian pole beans.

There may be some other news afoot - both Happy and Bianca/PigPen/Lady Gaga/Snowball seem to be setting nests! Happy was a singleton from last year and Bianca is the duck momma who hatched a clutch of chicken chicks a few weeks ago. She's also my best milking helper. Every night she peeps around the goat milking stand eagerly waiting for me to put some milk in her bucket. Its actually adorable. Since she didn't get the raise the babies she really wanted to set again. So I helped her out by putting more chicken eggs in her nest. She seems strong enough for another session on a nest - so we'll let her give it a try. And I'll keep her strength up with lots of milk.

Our momma goose, Penny, is still poorly but she's spending more time on her nest so hopefully she'll just sit down. OD the gander continues to chase Miss Duck around. I think there are "goings on" going on out there.

That's the news that's fit to print.

Happy Thursday everyone! Hope you are staying dry!

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