Thursday's Perfect Day and Farm Friends Friday!

Today (Thursday) was almost a perfect day. The sun was out, the weather was 'shorts-n-tshirts', and I could actually do something that felt productive. So did all the critters.

First, the turkey hens sunned themselves...

Then all the goats goofed around

Including little Porter, who tried to get IN the big tub...but didn't quite make it. Grandma Vita stood by patiently tho.
Then our barncat, Shine, lazed in the hay in the back of the truck.

But mostly it was about hauling and shoveling. One thing that is for sure is that there is a LOT of poop shoveling in the spring. I used most of the litter from the turkey house to start a compost "pile" that lined a new garden bed along the driveway.

We cleaned out the turkey house to make way for the new "Milk Stealer Triple Max Slam Pen(itentiary)." They'll keep a cell open for the milk stealers and I hear the waffles are good (If that didnt make sense - its ok, Chai Chai will know what I mean).  Half of the turkey house will now hold the baby goats and we will also work on fencing in a new yard for them.

We need to separate the little ones at nite so we can get most of the milk from the mommas in the morning for us. But don't worry - there will be plenty for the little ones to eat. This way we can also transition them to eating grain. They won't be fully weaned until they are about 8 weeks old.

The day ended with a warm and breezy sunset. Then I had a double goat cheese pasta - with bacon. What could be better?

Oh yeah... its Farm Friends Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!

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